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RAJBIOSISPVTLTD 57f353489ec66821d8f93788 Products
  • 2019-08-28T12:26:07

Cervical Pillow Regular Code: B 08 Sizes Available: Universal Cervical pillow is designed to keep the neck in the slightly hyperextension position at night to counter the stress and strain of the day where we tend to keep the neck in the opposite “flexion” position. It cures the cervical problems while you sleep. Optimal foam density Scientific design Plush covering Resilient PU foam Salient feature Soft and cushiony, more comfort, good resilience, effective support to the neck and longer functional life. Maintains the neck in slight hyperextension, provides muscle relaxation and proper support to neck. Provides soft feel, good aesthetics and durability.

Cervical Pillow Regular Code: B 08 Sizes Available: Universal Cervical pillow is designed to keep the neck in the slightly hyperextension position at night to counter the stress and strain of the day where we tend to keep the neck in the opposite “flexion” position. It cures the cervical problems while you sleep. Optimal foam density Scientific design Plush covering Resilient PU foam Salient feature Soft and cushiony, more comfort, good resilience, effective support to the neck and longer functional life. Maintains the neck in slight hyperextension, provides muscle relaxation and proper support to neck. Provides soft feel, good aesthetics and durability.

  • 2019-08-28T12:26:07

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